Primary Ingredients
- 1.25 cups of blanched and shocked Kale (approx. 2 bunches)
- ¼ cups of pistachios
- 2/3 cups of grated parmesan
- 1/4 cup of chopped parsley
- 2/3 cups of EVOO
- ¼ cup of lemon juice
- Salt and pepper to taste
Primary Technique
- Combine all ingredients except oil, salt, and pepper in a food processor
- While blending, gradually stream in olive oil until smooth and emulsified, then season to taste with salt and pepper

Pasta Ingredients
- 13 oz All-Purpose flour
- 4 whole eggs
- 1 Tablespoon of olive oil
Use 1 lb. of dried linguini if you don’t want to make your own pasta
Pasta Technique
- Shape flour into a mound on a clean work surface.
- Make a well in the center, break eggs into well, and add olive oil.
- With a fork whisk eggs until broken up and then begin to incorporate a little flour from the well’s inner edge.
- Continue stirring small amounts of flour into the egg until the egg is not runny and a loose scrappy dough has formed.
- Mound into a ball and knead for approx. 10 minutes or until the pasta is smooth and slightly stretchy
- Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and allow to rest for at least one hour.
- Portion dough into 8 pieces and working one piece at a time roll dough into 1/8” sheet using plenty of bench flour to keep the dough from getting sticky. Roll over a chittara or cut with a kitchen knife and dust the noodles with flour before storing them on a sheet pan. Keep dough balls covered in plastic when not being rolled and repeat until all the noodles are cut.
- Cook in salted boiling water until tender approx. 3 minutes (could be 4 minutes depending on how thin it was rolled)
- Strain pasta reserving 1/3 cup of pasta water and finish the sauce
Pesto Ingredients
½ cup of crème Fraiche
1 batch of pesto
1/3 cup of reserved pasta water
Parmesan to garnish
Pesto Technique
- In a pot large enough to hold all pasta and sauce, and with the heat on medium, add reserved pasta liquid and pesto & stir until emulsified.
- Add crème Fraiche, stir to mix, add pasta, and cook with the sauce for about 30 seconds stirring frequently to coat noodles let sit for 1 minute.
- Season to taste with salt and pepper.
- Serve in warm bowls and garnish with grated parmesan.